Friday, May 29, 2015

Follow Him so that you can lead them.

Tonight, I began with "Lifesong," by Casting Crowns.

"May my lifesong sing to You! May my lifesong sing to You! I wanna sign Your Name at the end of this day, knowing that my heart was true. May my lifesong sing to You!"

Each of us should live in such a way that our very life and everything we do is a form of worship to God. I saw this when searching for funny church signs on Google one day: "God wants full custody, not just weekend visitation." We must remain close to God so that he will come near to us (see James 4:8).

Tonight's main Scripture reference is:

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." (Psalm 32:8, NIV)

In much the same way, "Leaders must closely observe the flock for its needs and problems." (Maxwell) We need to watch over our followers and guide them to ensure that the entire group is working as a team toward a common goal.

Maxwell notes the following:

"The Hebrew words for 'guide' gives us several clues as to what God expects from those He uses as leaders:

A guide is a spiritual head who unites and directs people in their walk with God.
A guide takes people on the straight path that leads to fellowship with God.
A guide gives accurate and godly counsel to those who need it.
A guide leads with gentleness and trustworthiness, making others feel safe."

Let's go through those one at a time and expand on them. In order to effectively lead in a godly manner, you must be connected with God. We cannot expect to be spiritual leaders if we are not spiritually connected to God. When we do have that connection, we need to share it and lead our followers along a path that takes them to God. That road may take us along some roadbumps where we must act as counselors for others who are facing trials. Finally, we must be careful to meet the needs of our followers without making situations worse. We must build trust with our followers and let them know that, as leaders, we are there for them when they need us.

In order to do those things effectively, we must know those whom we lead. God has not called leaders to aim blindly in a random direction. We must be involved with our followers and help them along the right path. Leaders cannot separate themselves from their followers and expect to be effective. A connection is very necessary.

Tonight's reflection question is: "How do you guide others?" Use Maxwell's suggestions that we went over tonight to help you be a better guide.

God bless you!

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