Friday, May 15, 2015


I began tonight's devotion time with the song "Carry Me," by Josh Wilson.

"Father, please hold onto me. You're all I've got. Carry me, carry me, carry me now, from my sinking sand to Your solid ground. The only way I'm ever gonna me it out is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now!"

"Jesus, calm my heart. Come near me, please. Lord, don't let these worries get the best of me. Oh, I believe that You're still here with me, 'cause You meant what You said when You said You'd never leave!"

"I'm at the end of myself. I know I've got nothing left. Feels like I'm stuck in the valley of the shadow of death. And I've been down here so long, I just can't find my way out. Oh God, I don't stand a chance unless You carry me now."

Tonight's verses come from Mark 10:43-45: "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." (NIV)

Leaders, even while in charge, must have the heart and attitude of service. Servant leadership is important. As a leader, you must show that you care and are unafraid to do what you ask or expect your followers to do.

Bad attitudes may still exit within the team, though. Maxwell points out six most common bad attitudes that ruin a team: "An inability to admit wrongdoing, failing to forgive, petty jealousy, the disease of me, a critical spirit, a desire to hog all the credit." Whenever those, or other bad attitudes, rise to the surface, leaders need to be able to counsel those individuals affected and restore the team.

Such situations can cause major stress on a leader. You must take the issue to God and let Him carry you and guide you so that the issue is resolved in a Godly manner.

The question tonight is: "Can you recognize any of these attitudes in your team members?"

If so, help them as best you can. Seek guidance from God about what to say to them and how to handle the problem and resolve it.

God bless you!

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